Friday, July 6, 2012

God particle isn’t in the hands of God anymore

The discovery has been finally made. The Standard model of quantum physics holds true. The researches and the hard work put up by Peter Higgs and his team of scientists has finally paid dividends. When Higgs gave the theoretical model of this particle back in 1964, very few accepted it; infact he was mocked. When the science community was expecting the found particle to be the Higgs-boson particle, Stephen Hawking even lost a 100$ bet with Gordon Kane (of Michigan University), that the results would be different. Well, a little heads up for those who are expecting concrete results; CERN says they have found a new particle with 99.999% certainty, it will take some time to confirm the found particle is indeed the much speculated Higgs-boson or not.
                The particle is nicknamed the ‘God particle’ (obviously by non-scientists), that brought the attention of media towards this research and resulted in the jaw-dropping publicity and may have offended some theists due to its nickname.
                To know more about the whole story, let’s take you back a few years back.  A Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was built by CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) in 2008 (actually it took about 10 years to be built), at the Swiss- French border near Geneva. Laid in a 27 km length, it was setup to validate the existence of the Higgs- boson experimentally. According to the theory, two 7 TeV proton beams collide to create an environment for observing the Higgs-boson particle. Currently, the LHC can accelerate protons to 4 TeV only, but soon it will be upgraded for optimum work. For getting better results, researches were carried out by two teams working independently to ensure that the results that are going to follow don’t look like a fluke. However, after combining datasets of the two teams, CMS and ATLAS, the results looked consistent and promising.
                It all started when bosons was discovered in the mid 1920s, which are nothing but subatomic particles with integer spin. The bosons is named after Satyendra Nath Bose, who did pioneering work in Bose- Einstein statistics, along with Einstein. The Higgs boson is an elementary boson, having no spin, is believed to give mass to other particles via the Higgs mechanism. According to this mechanism, a particle gains mass in a Higgs field, in the presence of some fundamental particles. One of the fundamental particle is Higgs boson.
                Well! long story short, if the synthesized particle is proved to be the Higgs boson, it will surely be a major breakthrough for science. Plus it will firmly cement the Standard model in science community.

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