Thursday, December 27, 2012


Today I am going to talk about a disease I like to call preimage.
Making out a person just by his first impression is a habit nearly every person it the person working in an MNC, be it the neighbour, be it the shy girl at school, the glass half full guy,
We all are the victims of this malpractice, and the evil users too...

The first impression of a person (especially a bad one) is stuck so strongly to our minds that even loads of positive work is not conducive of changing that clinging preimage. They don't realize that humans learn from their mistakes and are worthy of a second chance.
Another common disorder that people have and that's even gross is making a preimage on the basis of looks of a person.
When God, in his infinite wisdom created us, he wouldn't have thought that the outer package that he is giving us, would heed so much of importance in the society...the better the outer package, the better the preimage.
A person who may have been your biggest foe may turn out to be gregarious at a later time of your life.
Your best friend is the one that you spent most of your time with and not the one that had the best outer package.

Considering and being aware of what all stupidity, humans are capable of; this one marks out as the most stupid and illogical.

Being on the receiving end sure sucks, and I can tell you by experience, that being on the other end (let’s call him Mr. X) doesn't bring you any awesomeness either.

The biggest damage is done when you have a day-to-day interaction with the other person. Instead of keeping aside the feelings, X colludes his clandestine emotions with workplace ethics. The first impression image affects his judgement, polluting the thought process, and ultimately leading to inevitable fallout between the two, affecting both individuals. Why restrict this discussion to individuals? Infact forming preimage to a group, company, politicians etc, is a common practice that we all see around quite often. Although the image against present-day politicians is a vicarious feeling backed up by clichés, but it’s still similar to the point that I am focussing in one way or the other.
The solution...ha...well avoiding such an experiment and practising discretion is the first advice and secondly, remember the saying:
                                     “Judging a person doesn’t define who they are;
                                                   It defines who you are” 
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